Les candidatures pour l’année 2024-2025 sont ouvertes. Une séance d’information est organisée le vendredi 23 février 2024 de 12h30 à 14h en hybride au FabLab et sur Teams. Toutes les informations sont disponibles ici. L’échéance pour le dépôt des candidatures est fixée au mardi 27 février à midi.
The ULB is a member of the Pan-European Seal Traineeship Programme (Pan-European Seal).
The Pan-European Seal is a comprehensive traineeship programme that bridges academia and the labour market in different fields (IP, law, finance, business, engineering, etc.) to promote and disseminate Intellectual Property among the Academic Community.
It is promoted in partnership with two of the world’s largest IP offices, the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) in Alicante, Spain and the European Patent Office (EPO) in Munich, Germany and their strategic University partners.
This programme gives high-achieving, young university graduates access to a year-long (12 months) paid traineeship at either the EUIPO or the EPO, helping them get a foot in the door of the competitive world in a variety of fields through valuable, on-the-job, multicultural and professional work experience.
Within the context of the ongoing fight against high levels of youth unemployment in Europe and the commitment thereof to social responsibility, the Pan-European Seal will offer traineeship posts every year to graduates of their university partners, administered by both of the abovementioned offices. The number of posts offered is determined on an annual basis.
Application and selection of ULB prospective students is organized at JurisLab – FabLab ULB. Information are provided annually through institutional communication.