TRIAXES+ is an all-new executive master’s programme in which participants examine practical case studies in depth to identify strategies and sustainable business initiatives to make their product development process more effective and more robust. Our methodology is based on collaborative practice, collective intelligence and cross-disciplinarity. It fosters teamwork, cross-disciplinary knowledge, a collaborative spirit and intra- and entrepreneurial thinking.
TRIAXES+ offers the participants a global multidisciplinary approach, based on both ambitious and concrete targets. Everything from market studies by way of pre-production to the pitch. They will have the tools needed to get the most out of product development, based on a comprehensive understanding of key features and preferred market launch strategies.
We improve their product understanding, collaborative skills and transversal competencies. We also give plenty of attention to the design phase early in the process to help the participants identifying whether their idea, purpose or service is fit for purpose and is not likely to infringe on existing intellectual property rights, thus saving precious time and resources at a later stage.
Characterized by a deep partnership between specialists from different areas – industrial designers, engineers, business analysts and intellectual property specialists – our method is designed for small and large companies, innovative SMEs (including start-ups and spin-offs), freelancers, designers and (industrial) design studios.
TRIAXES+ builds on 8 years’ experience with the TRIAXES higher education programme and methodology, internationally recognized since 2017 by the American Association of Business Schools (AACSB).
The full program, schedule and application process will be made available soon.
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